Faqja kryesoreBKESY • OTCMKTS
Banco Espirito Santo ADR Reptg Ord Shs Class E
0,00 USD
27 sht, 12:18:20 e paradites, GMT-4 · USD · OTCMKTS · Mohimi i përgjegjësisë
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0,00 USD
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Deklarimi mbi të ardhurat
Të ardhurat
Të ardhurat neto
(EUR)2023Ndryshimi nga V/V
Të ardhurat
-357,09 mln-39,41%
Kostoja operative
-4,82 mln-347,22%
Të ardhurat neto
-3,06 mld-1 098,72%
Marzhi i fitimit neto
Fitimet për aksion
Norma efektive tatimore
Aktivet në total
Pasivet në total
(EUR)2023Ndryshimi nga V/V
Investime afatshkurtra dhe në para fizike
71,34 mln25,62%
Aktivet në total
174,68 mln1,79%
Pasivet në total
10,65 mld40,35%
Kapitali aksioner në total
-10,48 mld
Numri i aksioneve të aksionerëve
5,60 mld
Çmimi për të rezervuar
Kthimi nga aktivet
-1 766,05%
Kthimi nga kapitali
Ndryshimi neto i parave në dorë
(EUR)2023Ndryshimi nga V/V
Të ardhurat neto
-3,06 mld-1 098,72%
Paratë nga veprimtaritë
531,00 mijë119,62%
Paratë nga investimi
237,00 mijë0,00%
Paratë nga financimi
Ndryshimi neto i parave në dorë
765,00 mijë130,75%
Fluksi i lirë i parave
Banco Espírito Santo was a Portuguese bank based in Lisbon that on 3 August 2014 was split in two banks: Novo Banco, which kept its healthy operations, and a "bad bank" to keep its toxic assets. It once was the second-largest listed Portuguese bank and the ninth-largest contributor to the PSI-20 index. BES was the second-largest private financial institution in Portugal in terms of net assets, with an average market share of 20.3% in Portugal and 2.1 million clients. On 3 August 2014, Banco de Portugal, Portugal's central bank, intervened in the bank by applying a resolution measure that split the bank in two. The bank was split into a healthy bank, Novo Banco, while the toxic assets remained in the existing bank which entered into liquidation in 13 July 2016. Novo Banco received a €4.9 billion bailout to be recapitalized. The bailout was funded by the Portuguese Resolution Fund, to which the Portuguese government lent €3.9 billion. The Resolution Fund became the sole owner of Novo Bank. Wikipedia
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