Domača stranCAI • VIE
CA Immobilien Anlagen AG
24,58 €
27. sep., 17:50:00 GMT +2 · EUR · VIE · Izjava
DelnicaVrednostni papir, ki kotira v AT
Prejšnji trg. dan.
21,88 €
Dnevni razpon
23,30 € - 24,70 €
Letni razpon
23,30 € - 33,58 €
Tržna kapitalizacija
2,62 mrd. EUR
Povprečni obseg
1,49 mio.
Razm. P/E
Dividendna donosnost
3,25 %
Primarna borza
Ocena za podnebje CDP
Borzne novice
Finančni podatki
Izkaz poslovnega izida
Čisti dohodek
(EUR)jun. 2024Sprememba L/L
77,43 mio.−57,80 %
Stroški poslovanja
12,38 mio.−3,33 %
Čisti dohodek
−65,20 mio.−277,45 %
Čista dobičkovnost prihodkov
−84,20−794,79 %
Earnings per share
44,28 mio.−66,23 %
Efektivna davčna stopnja
11,48 %
Skupna sredstva
Skupne obveznosti
(EUR)jun. 2024Sprememba L/L
Denar. in kratkor. naložbe
337,96 mio.−55,03 %
Skupna sredstva
5,81 mrd.−16,72 %
Skupne obveznosti
3,22 mrd.−14,29 %
Celoten lastniški kapital
2,60 mrd.
Shares outstanding
97,72 mio.
Razmerje P/B
Donosnost sredstev
1,83 %
Donosnost kapitala
2,11 %
Neto sprememba denarnih sredstev
(EUR)jun. 2024Sprememba L/L
Čisti dohodek
−65,20 mio.−277,45 %
Denar iz dejavnosti
22,57 mio.−81,46 %
Denar iz naložb
−37,56 mio.−121,21 %
Denar iz financiranja
−146,96 mio.−10,84 %
Neto sprememba denarnih sredstev
−161,90 mio.−195,60 %
Prost denarni tok
−141,06 mio.−149,74 %
CA Immo or CA Immobilien Anlagen is an Austrian real estate company based in Vienna with offices in Germany, and the respective capitals of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. CA Immo's core competence is the development and management of office properties in core Europe. In addition to managing existing properties, CA Immo in Germany focuses on the development and realisation of new properties, including entire city districts. As of March 2011, it is a member of the Austrian Traded Index, the index of the twenty largest companies traded on the Vienna Stock Exchange. It is involved with a number of large and notable buildings, including Tower 185, the Skyline Plaza complex in Frankfurt and the Europacity complex in Berlin. Wikipedia
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