Bosh sahifaCEBUY • OTCMKTS
Cebu Air ADR
2,15 $
27-sen, 0:18:30 (GMT-4) · USD · OTCMKTS · Ogohlantirish
AQSH qimmatli qogʻozi
Yopilish kursi
2,15 $
Yillik diapazon
1,50 $ - 2,15 $
Bozor yangiliklari
Moliyaviy axborot
Moliyaviy hisobot
Sof foyda
(PHP)iyn, 2024Y/Y qiyosi
26,14 mlrd15,27%
Joriy xarajat
4,93 mlrd22,61%
Sof foyda
1,31 mlrd-51,14%
Sof foyda marjasi
Har bir ulushga tushum
4,61 mlrd3,52%
Amaldagi soliq stavkasi
Jami aktivlari
Jami passivlari
(PHP)iyn, 2024Y/Y qiyosi
Naqd pul va qisqa investitsiyalar
15,32 mlrd-27,78%
Jami aktivlari
205,50 mlrd24,52%
Jami passivlari
197,20 mlrd20,01%
Umumiy kapital
8,30 mlrd
Tarqatilgan aksiyalar
624,44 mln
Narxi/balansdagi bahosi
Aktivlardan daromad
Kapitaldan daromad
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi
(PHP)iyn, 2024Y/Y qiyosi
Sof foyda
1,31 mlrd-51,14%
Operatsiyalardan naqd pul
6,61 mlrd185,38%
Sarmoyadan naqd pul
274,82 mln-91,81%
Moliyadan naqd pul
-6,38 mlrd-34,98%
Naqd pulning sof oʻzgarishi
1,31 mlrd14,22%
Boʻsh pul
-687,55 mln-1,53%
Cebu Air, Inc., operating as Cebu Pacific, is a Philippine low-cost airline based at Pasay in Metro Manila. Founded in 1988, it is Asia's first low-cost airline and the Philippines' largest leading airline. It offers scheduled flights to both domestic and international destinations. The airline operates flights from five bases in Cebu, Clark, Davao, Iloilo, and its largest base in Manila. With its low-cost business model and extensive destination network, Cebu Pacific became the Philippines' largest airline based on number of passengers flown on domestic and international routes in 2010, overtaking rival Philippine Airlines. According to Civil Aeronautics Board data, Cebu Pacific flew 2.45 million total passengers in the first quarter of 2010, nearly 110,000 more than PAL, which carried 2.34 million systemwide during the same period. The airline has been criticized for its frequent flight delays and cancellations, some without explanation, as well as alleged poor customer service, prompting investigations by the Philippine government. Wikipedia
Tashkil etilgan
26-avg, 1988
Xodimlar soni
5 471
Qidiruv maydonini tozalash
Qidiruvni yopish
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