BerandaCO • EPA
Casino Guichard Perrachon SA
30 Sep, 09.14.52 GMT+2 · EUR · EPA · Pernyataan Penyangkalan
SahamSekuritas terdaftar di FRBerkantor pusat di FR
Tutup sebelumnya
Rentang hari
€3,04 - €3,08
Rentang tahun
€2,71 - €147,80
Kapitalisasi pasar
1,20 M EUR
Volume Rata-Rata
111,61 rb
Rasio P/E
Hasil dividen
Bursa utama
Skor Perubahan Iklim CDP
Berita pasar
Laporan Pendapatan
Laba bersih
(EUR)Jun 2024Perubahan Y/Y
2,11 M-6,10%
Biaya operasional
608,00 jt-1,62%
Laba bersih
19,50 jt101,75%
Margin laba bersih
Penghasilan per saham
44,50 jt456,25%
Tarif pajak efektif
Total aset
Total liabilitas
(EUR)Jun 2024Perubahan Y/Y
Investasi tunai jangka pdk
1,08 M-49,32%
Total aset
10,09 M-55,66%
Total liabilitas
8,55 M-57,56%
Total ekuitas
1,54 M
Saham yang beredar
400,91 jt
Harga terhadap nilai buku
Tingkat pengembalian aset
Tingkat pengembalian modal
Perubahan kas bersih
(EUR)Jun 2024Perubahan Y/Y
Laba bersih
19,50 jt101,75%
Kas dari operasi
-479,50 jt25,31%
Kas dari investasi
363,50 jt597,95%
Kas dari pembiayaan
-254,00 jt-151,57%
Perubahan kas bersih
-373,50 jt-133,44%
Arus kas bebas
-12,00 jt-179,01%
Casino Group or Casino Guichard-Perrachon is a French mass-market retail group. It was founded on 2 August 1898 by Geoffroy Guichard under the corporate name Guichard-Perrachon & Co. Casino Group is the source of many innovations, such as the first distributor's brand in 1901, the first self-service store in 1948, or even the display of a sell-by date on consumer products in 1959. As a historical player in mass-market retail in France, the group also started to grow internationally at the end of the 90s. It acquired GPA and Grupo Éxito in 1999, major companies in mass-market retail in Brazil and in Colombia. Casino Group operates across all food and non-food formats: hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, discount stores, and wholesale stores. Other than the eponymous "Géant Casino" and "Casino Supermarchés", Casino Group owns other brands such as Monoprix, Franprix, Leader Price, Cdiscount, Vival, Spar, Sherpa, and Le Petit Casino. As of 2017 Casino Group, managed by Jean-Charles Naouri, was quoted on the Paris Stock Exchange and had total revenue of €37.8 billion. As of November 2021, the group has a market capitalization of approximately €2.35 billion. Wikipedia
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