Domača stranCWC • ETR
106,00 €
30. sep., 15:01:14 GMT +2 · EUR · ETR · Izjava
DelnicaVrednostni papir, ki kotira v DE
Prejšnji trg. dan.
105,00 €
Dnevni razpon
104,00 € - 106,00 €
Letni razpon
83,60 € - 110,40 €
Tržna kapitalizacija
772,86 mio. EUR
Povprečni obseg
3,51 tis.
Razm. P/E
Dividendna donosnost
2,45 %
Primarna borza
Ocena za podnebje CDP
Borzne novice
Finančni podatki
Izkaz poslovnega izida
Čisti dohodek
(EUR)jun. 2024Sprememba L/L
152,71 mio.8,33 %
Stroški poslovanja
115,75 mio.10,11 %
Čisti dohodek
−1,59 mio.56,90 %
Čista dobičkovnost prihodkov
−1,0460,31 %
Earnings per share
10,46 mio.21,61 %
Efektivna davčna stopnja
33,08 %
Skupna sredstva
Skupne obveznosti
(EUR)jun. 2024Sprememba L/L
Denar. in kratkor. naložbe
47,87 mio.143,27 %
Skupna sredstva
557,88 mio.6,93 %
Skupne obveznosti
186,02 mio.5,20 %
Celoten lastniški kapital
371,86 mio.
Shares outstanding
6,96 mio.
Razmerje P/B
Donosnost sredstev
−1,18 %
Donosnost kapitala
−1,58 %
Neto sprememba denarnih sredstev
(EUR)jun. 2024Sprememba L/L
Čisti dohodek
−1,59 mio.56,90 %
Denar iz dejavnosti
1,60 mio.−39,01 %
Denar iz naložb
−15,65 mio.−22,55 %
Denar iz financiranja
−21,58 mio.−17,92 %
Neto sprememba denarnih sredstev
−35,68 mio.−26,32 %
Prost denarni tok
−16,54 mio.−98,10 %
Cewe is a German printing company based in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony. Founded in 1961 it is the largest photo printing company in Europe with its main source of the revenue now the digital printing of photos, photo books and calendars. The company has expanded through acquisitions of competing and similar companies, among which are Laserline, Viaprinto, Pixum and Saxoprint. In 2010, Cewe was awarded "Best Innovator" by the magazine WirtschaftsWoche for the successful transformation into a digital company. Aside from its first party sales through app and website, Cewe also produces photo products for other companies in the background, including Germany's two leading drug stores dm and Rossmann and a range of large retail chains. In addition to the company headquarters in Oldenburg, Cewe has production sites in Germany in Mönchengladbach, Eschbach near Freiburg, Germering near Munich, Dresden, Berlin and Münster. In other European countries, Cewe has locations in the Czech Republic, France, Poland, Romania, Hungary and the United Kingdom. Wikipedia
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