መነሻDJC • ጠቋሚ
Dow Jones Composite Average
ሴፕቴ 27, 1:19:06 ከሰዓት ጂ ኤም ቲ-4 · INDEXDJX · ተጠያቂነትን ማንሳት
መረጃ ጠቋሚ
የቀዳሚ መዝጊያ
የቀን ክልል
13,476.16 - 13,609.44
የዓመት ክልል
10,564.68 - 13,609.44
የገበያ ዜና
The Dow Jones Composite Average is the stock market index composed of 65 prominent companies traded on both exchanges, maintained and tracked by S&P Dow Jones Indices. The average's components include every stock from the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the Dow Jones Transportation Average, and the Dow Jones Utility Average. Wikipedia
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