መነሻEVT • ETR
Evotec SE
ሴፕቴ 30, 11:19:47 ጥዋት ጂ ኤም ቲ+2 · EUR · ETR · ተጠያቂነትን ማንሳት
ክምችትበDE የተዘረዘረ ደህንነት
የቀዳሚ መዝጊያ
የቀን ክልል
€6.29 - €6.47
የዓመት ክልል
€5.06 - €21.69
የገበያው አጠቃላይ ዋጋ
1.10 ቢ EUR
አማካይ መጠን
1.08 ሚ
የዋጋ/ገቢ ምጥጥን
የትርፍ ክፍያ
ዋና ልውውጥ
የCDP የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ ውጤት
የገበያ ዜና
የገቢ መግለጫ
የተጣራ ገቢ
(EUR)ጁን 2024ከዓመት ዓመት ለውጥ
182.12 ሚ6.96%
የሥራ ወጪ
51.89 ሚ-33.04%
የተጣራ ገቢ
-94.93 ሚ-535.89%
የተጣራ የትርፍ ክልል
ገቢ በሼር
-11.75 ሚ-33.60%
ውጤታማ የግብር ተመን
አጠቃላይ ንብረቶች
አጠቃላይ ተጠያቂነቶች
(EUR)ጁን 2024ከዓመት ዓመት ለውጥ
ጥሬ ገንዘብና የአጭር ጊዜ መዋዕለ ንዋይ
298.87 ሚ-51.86%
አጠቃላይ ንብረቶች
2.00 ቢ-13.14%
አጠቃላይ ተጠያቂነቶች
987.43 ሚ-12.38%
አጠቃላይ እሴት
1.01 ቢ
የሼሮቹ ብዛት
177.30 ሚ
የገበያ ዋጋ እና የተገለጸ ዋጋ
የእሴቶች ተመላሽ
የካፒታል ተመላሽ
የተጣራ ዝርዝር ገንዘብ በጥሬ ገንዘብ
(EUR)ጁን 2024ከዓመት ዓመት ለውጥ
የተጣራ ገቢ
-94.93 ሚ-535.89%
ከክወናዎች የተገኘ ጥሬ ገንዘብ
-50.42 ሚ-539.86%
ገንዘብ ከኢንቨስትመንት
-31.28 ሚ-179.43%
ገንዘብ ከፋይናንስ
-119.04 ሚ-1,326.96%
የተጣራ ዝርዝር ገንዘብ በጥሬ ገንዘብ
-206.43 ሚ-540.82%
ነፃ የገንዘብ ፍሰት
-31.66 ሚ
Evotec SE is a publicly listed drug discovery and development company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. The company operates globally, largely through external alliances with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, academic institutions, patient advocacy groups, and venture capitalists. As of 31 December 2021 Evotec had a market capitalization of €7.5 billion and a pipeline of more than 130 partnered programs in discovery, pre-clinical development and clinical development. The company's 4,200+ employees work across a number of therapeutic areas including CNS/neurology, metabolic diseases, Cancer, and inflammatory and infectious diseases. It has long-term discovery alliances with Bristol Myers Squibb, Bayer, Sanofi, Boehringer Ingelheim, the CHDI Foundation, Lilly, Takeda, Sernova, and more. On 28 October 2009 the company was listed on the TecDAX index, which tracks the performance of the 30 largest German companies from the technology sector. On 24 September 2018 Evotec joined the MDAX index, following a rule change that enabled dual listing. The MDAX tracks 60 Prime Standard shares from sectors excluding technology. Wikipedia
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