Domača stranFMCCH • OTCMKTS
Federal Home Loan Mortgage 5.1% Pref Shs
6,00 $
27. sep., 20:10:00 GMT -4 · USD · OTCMKTS · Izjava
DelnicaVrednostni papir, ki kotira v ZDA
Prejšnji trg. dan.
6,00 $
Dnevni razpon
5,98 $ - 6,00 $
Letni razpon
2,83 $ - 7,76 $
Tržna kapitalizacija
760,57 mio. USD
Povprečni obseg
29,04 tis.
Razm. P/E
Dividendna donosnost
V novicah
Finančni podatki
Izkaz poslovnega izida
Čisti dohodek
(USD)jun. 2024Sprememba L/L
5,59 mrd.−4,80 %
Stroški poslovanja
2,13 mrd.−3,18 %
Čisti dohodek
2,76 mrd.−6,08 %
Čista dobičkovnost prihodkov
49,43−1,34 %
Earnings per share
Efektivna davčna stopnja
20,09 %
Skupna sredstva
Skupne obveznosti
(USD)jun. 2024Sprememba L/L
Denar. in kratkor. naložbe
131,14 mrd.−6,59 %
Skupna sredstva
3,31 bil.1,73 %
Skupne obveznosti
3,25 bil.1,40 %
Celoten lastniški kapital
53,22 mrd.
Shares outstanding
650,06 mio.
Razmerje P/B
Donosnost sredstev
0,34 %
Donosnost kapitala
Neto sprememba denarnih sredstev
(USD)jun. 2024Sprememba L/L
Čisti dohodek
2,76 mrd.−6,08 %
Denar iz dejavnosti
927,00 mio.−40,99 %
Denar iz naložb
13,40 mrd.357,53 %
Denar iz financiranja
−12,33 mrd.−153,69 %
Neto sprememba denarnih sredstev
2,00 mrd.657,38 %
Prost denarni tok
The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, commonly known as Freddie Mac, is a publicly traded, government-sponsored enterprise, headquartered in Tysons, Virginia. The FHLMC was created in 1970 to expand the secondary market for mortgages in the US. Along with its sister organization, the Federal National Mortgage Association, Freddie Mac buys mortgages, pools them, and sells them as a mortgage-backed security to private investors on the open market. This secondary mortgage market increases the supply of money available for mortgage lending and increases the money available for new home purchases. The name "Freddie Mac" is a variant of the FHLMC initialism of the company's full name that was adopted officially for ease of identification. On September 7, 2008, Federal Housing Finance Agency director James B. Lockhart III announced he had put Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under the conservatorship of the FHFA. The action has been described as "one of the most sweeping government interventions in private financial markets in decades". Wikipedia
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