Keikyu Corp
ሴፕቴ 27, 12:19:29 ጥዋት ጂ ኤም ቲ-4 · USD · OTCMKTS · ተጠያቂነትን ማንሳት
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የቀዳሚ መዝጊያ
የዓመት ክልል
$16.30 - $16.30
የገበያው አጠቃላይ ዋጋ
326.09 ቢ JPY
የዋጋ/ገቢ ምጥጥን
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ዋና ልውውጥ
የCDP የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ ውጤት
የገበያ ዜና
የገቢ መግለጫ
የተጣራ ገቢ
(JPY)ጁን 2024ከዓመት ዓመት ለውጥ
72.86 ቢ17.44%
የሥራ ወጪ
10.35 ቢ6.50%
የተጣራ ገቢ
6.90 ቢ85.30%
የተጣራ የትርፍ ክልል
ገቢ በሼር
ውጤታማ የግብር ተመን
አጠቃላይ ንብረቶች
አጠቃላይ ተጠያቂነቶች
(JPY)ጁን 2024ከዓመት ዓመት ለውጥ
ጥሬ ገንዘብና የአጭር ጊዜ መዋዕለ ንዋይ
94.65 ቢ143.99%
አጠቃላይ ንብረቶች
1.03 ት12.32%
አጠቃላይ ተጠያቂነቶች
675.93 ቢ5.15%
አጠቃላይ እሴት
358.87 ቢ
የሼሮቹ ብዛት
274.29 ሚ
የገበያ ዋጋ እና የተገለጸ ዋጋ
የእሴቶች ተመላሽ
የካፒታል ተመላሽ
የተጣራ ዝርዝር ገንዘብ በጥሬ ገንዘብ
(JPY)ጁን 2024ከዓመት ዓመት ለውጥ
የተጣራ ገቢ
6.90 ቢ85.30%
ከክወናዎች የተገኘ ጥሬ ገንዘብ
ገንዘብ ከኢንቨስትመንት
ገንዘብ ከፋይናንስ
የተጣራ ዝርዝር ገንዘብ በጥሬ ገንዘብ
ነፃ የገንዘብ ፍሰት
Keikyu Corporation, also known as Keihin Kyūkō or, more recently, Keikyū, is a private railroad that connects inner Tokyo to Kawasaki, Yokohama, Yokosuka and other points on the Miura Peninsula in Kanagawa Prefecture. It also provides rail access to Haneda Airport in Tokyo. Keihin means the Tokyo - Yokohama area. The company's railroad origins date back to 1898, but the current company dates to 1948. The railway pioneered Kantō region's first electric train and the nation's third, after Hanshin Electric Railway and Nagoya Electric Railway with the opening of a short 2 km long section of what later became the Daishi Line in January 1899. It is a member of the Fuyo Group and has its headquarters in Yokohama. The company changed its English name from Keihin Electric Express Railway Co., Ltd. to Keikyu Corporation on 21 October 2010. Trains on the Main Line have a maximum operating speed of 120 km/h, making it the third fastest private railroad in the Tokyo region after the Keisei Skyliner and the Tsukuba Express. The track gauge is 1,435 mm, differing from the more common Japanese track gauge of 1,067 mm. Wikipedia
25 ፌብ 1898
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