Əsas səhifəRCM • NASDAQ
R1 Rcm Inc
14,17 $
Bazardan sonra:
14,17 $
Bağlıdır: 27 sen, 16:03:37 GMT-4 · USD · NASDAQ · İmtina
StokABŞ təhlükəsizlik təmin edirBaş qərargah ABŞ ərazisindədir
Əvvəlki qapanış
14,17 $
Gün aralığı
14,15 $ - 14,18 $
İl aralığı
8,87 $ - 15,43 $
Bazar kapitalizasiyası
5,98 mlrd USD
Ortalama səhm həcmi
3,03 mln
Qiymət-mənfəət nisbəti
Bölünmüş dəyər
İlkin mübadilə
R1 RCM Inc. is an American 'revenue cycle management' company servicing hospitals, health systems and physician groups across the United States.RCM is the process of managing all revenue-generation functions in a healthcare organization. It requires an understanding of the revenue cycle and begins when a patient seeks the organization's medical services and ends when the organization has collected all payments from the patient and/or their insurer. R1 has over 1,000 clients across the United States, including hospitals, health systems, and physician groups. R1 RCM employs more than 27,200 people and generates approximately $2.1 billion in annual revenue. Wikipedia
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