Transocean LTD
$ ४.१७
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२.०८ करोड
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खुद आम्दानी
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२४.३० करोड३.८५%
खुद आम्दानी
-१२.३० करोड२५.४५%
खुद नाफा प्रतिशत
प्रति सेयरबाट भएको आम्दानी
२६.८० करोड२४.०७%
करको प्रभावकारी दर
कुल सम्पत्ति
कुल दायित्व
(USD)२०२४ जुनवर्षअनुसार भएको परिवर्तन
नगद र अल्पकालीन लगानी
४७.५० करोड-४२.१४%
कुल सम्पत्ति
२०.३२ अरब०.५५%
कुल दायित्व
९.६२ अरब-१.९६%
कुल सेयर
१०.७१ अरब
बाँकी सेयरहरू
८७.५५ करोड
बजार मूल्य र बुक मूल्यको अनुपात
सम्पत्तिबाट प्राप्त लाभ
पूँजीबाट प्राप्त लाभ
नगद मौज्दातमा भएको खुद परिवर्तन
(USD)२०२४ जुनवर्षअनुसार भएको परिवर्तन
खुद आम्दानी
-१२.३० करोड२५.४५%
गतिविधिहरूबाट प्राप्त रकम
१३.३० करोड-१५.२९%
लगानीबाट प्राप्त रकम
-७.३० करोड०.००%
वित्तीय सेवाबाट प्राप्त रकम
९.९० करोड२,०८०.००%
नगद मौज्दातमा भएको खुद परिवर्तन
१५.९० करोड१०१.२७%
स्वतन्त्र नगद प्रवाह
-३७.५० लाख८२.२५%
Transocean Ltd. is an American drilling company. It is the world's largest offshore drilling contractor based on revenue and is based in Vernier, Switzerland. The company has offices in 20 countries, including Canada, the United States, Norway, United Kingdom, India, Brazil, Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. In 2010, Transocean was found partially responsible for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill resulting from the explosion of one of its oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Like other companies involved in the petroleum industry, Transocean has experienced a number of other notable industrial accidents including oil spills and worker injury. The primary business of Transocean is contracts with other large companies in the oil and gas industry. In 2019, Royal Dutch Shell accounted for 26% of the company's revenues, while Equinor accounted for 21% of the company's revenues, and Chevron accounted for 17% of the company's revenues. Wikipedia
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