PagrindinisTRKNY • OTCMKTS
Turk Telekomunikasyon Unsponsored Turkey ADR
3,00 $
09-27, 00:20:44 GMT−4 · USD · OTCMKTS · Atsisakymas
Vertybinis popierius, kuriuo prekiaujama biržoje – JAVBūstinės šalis – TR
Ankstesnė uždarymo kaina
3,00 $
Metų intervalas
1,35 $ - 3,17 $
Bendroji vertė rinkoje
169,66 mlrd. TRY
Vidutinė prekybos apimtis
1,03 tūkst.
CDP klimato kaitos balas
Rinkos naujienos
Finansiniai rodikliai
Pajamų ataskaita
Grynosios pajamos
(TRY)2024-06Metinis pokytis
32,98 mlrd.83,75 %
Veiklos sąnaudos
7,52 mlrd.53,02 %
Grynosios pajamos
1,42 mlrd.336,30 %
Grynojo pelno marža
4,30228,36 %
Pelnas tenkantis vienai akcijai
13,42 mlrd.187,68 %
Taikomas mokesčio tarifas
18,37 %
Visas turtas
Visi įsipareigojimai
(TRY)2024-06Metinis pokytis
Lėšos, trump. investicijos
16,48 mlrd.−25,11 %
Visas turtas
225,20 mlrd.116,98 %
Visi įsipareigojimai
101,90 mlrd.21,66 %
Visos paprastosios akcijos
123,30 mlrd.
Išleistos akcijos
Kaina / apskaitinė vertė
Turto grąža
2,79 %
Kapitalo grąža
3,27 %
Grynasis pokytis (grynaisiais pinigais)
(TRY)2024-06Metinis pokytis
Grynosios pajamos
1,42 mlrd.336,30 %
Pinigai iš operacijų
10,18 mlrd.87,09 %
Pinigai iš investicijų
−7,02 mlrd.−114,21 %
Pinigai iš finansavimo
−8,80 mlrd.−955,15 %
Grynasis pokytis (grynaisiais pinigais)
−6,81 mlrd.−484,71 %
Laisvas pinigų srautas
1,22 mlrd.115,98 %
Türk Telekom is a state-owned Turkish telecommunications company. Türk Telekom was separated from Turkish Post in 1995. Türk Telekom Group provides integrated telecommunication services for PSTN, GSM, and wide-band Internet. The Türk Telekom Group companies had 16.8 million PSTN customers, 6 million ADSL customers and 12.1 million GSM customers in September 2009. With its network substructure covering the whole country, the group's companies offer a wide range of services to personal and corporate customers. Türk Telekom, which owns 99.9% of the shares of the companies TTNET, Argela, Innova, Sebit A.Ş. and AssisTT, is also the owner of 81% of the shares of Avea, which is one of the three GSM operators in Turkey. Türk Telekom also supports Albania's Albtelecom. 61.5% of the shares of Turk Telekom belongs to Turkey Wealth Fund, while 30% of the shares belongs to the Ministry of Treasury and Finance. The remaining 15% of shares have been offered to the public in Borsa Istanbul. In July 2018, in the course of the Turkish currency and debt crisis, Turkish and international banks took control of Türk Telekom due to billions of dollars in unpaid debt. Wikipedia
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