Visa Steel Ltd
23 Sep, 17.10.31 GMT+5.30 · INR · NSE · Pernyataan Penyangkalan
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₹28,27 - ₹31,24
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₹12,40 - ₹31,24
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3,62 M INR
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176,22 rb
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(INR)Jun 2024Perubahan Y/Y
1,35 M-42,66%
Biaya operasional
639,89 jt-25,42%
Laba bersih
-69,15 jt50,61%
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124,30 jt8,69%
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(INR)Jun 2024Perubahan Y/Y
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256,79 jt23,02%
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Total ekuitas
-8,44 M
Saham yang beredar
115,25 jt
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Perubahan kas bersih
(INR)Jun 2024Perubahan Y/Y
Laba bersih
-69,15 jt50,61%
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Perubahan kas bersih
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VISA Steel Limited is a mineral and metals company situated in the Kalinganagar industrial complex of Jajpur Odisha, India with a 1.5 million ton integrated special and stainless steel manufacturing plant. VISA Steel has its registered office in Bhubaneswar, corporate office in Kolkata and branch offices across India. A listed company, VISA Steel's shares are traded on the BSE and NSE. The company has set up a 125,000 TPA Ferro Chrome Plant at Kalinganagar in Odisha. The facilities include 5 submerged Arc Furnaces with 3x25 MW Power Generating Units. The company is setting up an integrated 1 million TPA Special and Stainless Steel Plant at Kalinganagar Industrial Complex, Odisha. The first phase of 0.5 million TPA Special Steel Long Product Plant with 75 MW captive power plant is fully operational. The facilities include a 0.4 million TPA Coke Oven Plant, 0.225 million TPA Pig Iron Plant, 0.3 million TPA Sponge Iron Plant, 0.05 million TPA Ferro Chrome Plant, 75 MW captive power plant, 0.5 million TPA Steel Melt Shop and 0.5 million TPA Rolling Mill. Capacity of this plant is planned to be doubled to 1 million TPA. Wikipedia
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