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खुद आम्दानी
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२३.१६ अरब३.६९%
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४.९९ अरब-२.६९%
खुद आम्दानी
२.६२ अरब६६९.७८%
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प्रति सेयरबाट भएको आम्दानी
४.६७ अरब१४.७६%
करको प्रभावकारी दर
कुल सम्पत्ति
कुल दायित्व
(USD)२०२४ जुनवर्षअनुसार भएको परिवर्तन
नगद र अल्पकालीन लगानी
५.९५ अरब-४८.०४%
कुल सम्पत्ति
१.९८ खरब-२.९५%
कुल दायित्व
९२.४७ अरब-०.४०%
कुल सेयर
१.०५ खरब
बाँकी सेयरहरू
१.८१ अरब
बजार मूल्य र बुक मूल्यको अनुपात
सम्पत्तिबाट प्राप्त लाभ
पूँजीबाट प्राप्त लाभ
नगद मौज्दातमा भएको खुद परिवर्तन
(USD)२०२४ जुनवर्षअनुसार भएको परिवर्तन
खुद आम्दानी
२.६२ अरब६६९.७८%
गतिविधिहरूबाट प्राप्त रकम
२.६० अरब-७.१४%
लगानीबाट प्राप्त रकम
-२.३५ अरब-२२७.३०%
वित्तीय सेवाबाट प्राप्त रकम
-८९.८० करोड१०.२९%
नगद मौज्दातमा भएको खुद परिवर्तन
-६७.७० करोड-१६३.८७%
स्वतन्त्र नगद प्रवाह
१.९८ अरब-०.४३%
The Walt Disney Company is an American multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate headquartered at the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California. Disney was founded on October 16, 1923, by brothers Walt Disney and Roy Oliver Disney as Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio; it also operated under the names Walt Disney Studio and Walt Disney Productions before changing it to its current name in 1986. In 1928, Disney established itself as a leader in the animation industry with the short film Steamboat Willie. The film used synchronized sound to become the first post-produced sound cartoon, and popularized Mickey Mouse, who became Disney's mascot and corporate icon. After becoming a major success by the early 1940s, Disney diversified into live-action films, television, and theme parks in the 1950s. However, following Walt Disney's death in 1966, the company's profits, especially in the animation division, began to decline. In 1984, Disney's shareholders voted Michael Eisner as CEO, who led a reversal of the company's decline through a combination of international theme park expansion and the highly successful Disney Renaissance period of animation in the 1990s. Wikipedia
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