Luca de Meo

Luca de Meo

Luca de Meo hal-hazırda Renault Qrupunun baş direktoru olan italyan avtomobil idarəçisidir. Vikipediya (İngiliscə)
Doğum tarixi: 13 iyun 1967
Doğulduğu yer: Milan, İtaliya
Valideynləri: Paolo de MeoGiovanna Gianfrate
www.renaultgroup.com hostundan Luca de Meo
Luca de Meo has 30 years of experience in the automotive sector. He began his career at Renault before joining Toyota Europe, then the Fiat Group where he ...
A car enthusiast with 30 years of experience in the automotive sector. Born in Milan… · Expérience : Renault Group · Formation : Università Bocconi · Lieu ...
Luca de Meo est un directeur général italien né le 13 juin 1967 à Milan. Dirigeant de nombreuses entreprises du secteur de l'automobile au cours de sa ...
www.acea.auto hostundan Luca de Meo
Luca de Meo has more than 30 years of experience in the automotive sector. He began his career at Renault before joining Toyota Europe, then the Fiat Group ...