Pekka Lundmark z webu en.wikipedia.org
Pekka Lundmark (born 9 December 1963) is a Finnish business executive, and the president and CEO of Nokia. Previously, he was CEO of Fortum, a Finnish state-owned energy company, from 2015 to July 2020.
Pekka Lundmark z webu www.nokia.com
Pekka was appointed as Nokia's CEO on August 1, 2020. He has put in place a new operating model for the company and positioned Nokia as a trusted partner for ...
Pekka Lundmark

Pekka Lundmark

Nokia – prezident
Pekka Lundmark je finský obchodní manažer a prezident a generální ředitel společnosti Nokia. Předtím byl generálním ředitelem Fortum, finské státní energetické společnosti, od roku 2015 do července 2020. Wikipedia (angličtina)
Datum narození: 9. prosince 1963 60 let, Espoo, Finsko
Pekka Lundmark z webu twitter.com
Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark about the gaps in carrier demand for networking equipment, the impact of artificial intelligence, and his $NOK leadership journey.
Kokemus: Nokia · Koulutus: Helsinki University of Technology · Sijainti: Finland · 500+ yhteyttä LinkedInissä. Näytä Pekka Lundmark profiili LinkedInissä, ...
Pekka Lundmark z webu www.capacitymedia.com
13. 9. 2024 · Nokia has denied reports it's looking to replace president and CEO Pekka Lundmark. The Financial Times reported that the company was seeking to replace ...
Pekka Lundmark became the President and CEO of Nokia on 1 August 2020. Immediately prior to taking up his role at Nokia, he was President and CEO of Fortum ...
Pekka Lundmark had almost 20 years' experience as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) before joining Nokia as President and CEO in 2020.
Pekka on työskennellyt toimitusjohtajana lähes 20 vuoden ajan. Hänellä on vahva asiantuntemus tietoliikenteen, teknologian, energian, konepajateollisuuden ja ...
Pekka Lundmark z webu telecomlead.com
12. 9. 2024 · Nokia has appointed Pekka Lundmark as CEO in 2020. Nokia said it is not undertaking a process to replace President and CEO Pekka Lundmark.