Daniel Bernstein from en.wikipedia.org
Daniel Julius Bernstein is an American mathematician, cryptologist, and computer scientist. He is a visiting professor at CASA at Ruhr University Bochum, ...
D. J. Bernstein. Mathematics and computer science. Computer hardware: chip speed, buying computers, etc. Data structures and program structures: cdb, etc.
lib25519-20240928 released: lib25519.cr.yp.to lib25519-cr-yp-to.vi… Speedups from Kaushik Nath for ARM, for multi-scalar multiplication, and more. Test improvements include built-in parallel valgrind-based constant-time tests and shared-directory instruction checks.
20 hours ago · View on Twitter
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Daniel Bernstein from med.stanford.edu
Alfred Woodley Salter and Mabel G. Salter Endowed Professor of Pediatrics · Clinical Focus. Pediatric Heart Transplantation · Academic Appointments. Professor, ...
Daniel Bernstein from www.wphphysicianassociates.org
Dr. Daniel Bernstein is a board-certified Dermatologist specializing in reconstructive surgery and Mohs surgery, which is used to treat both common and rare ...
Daniel Bernstein from v.fandom.com
Daniel Bernstein was a human teenager who collaborated with the Visitors after the First Invasion. He was the only son of Stanley and Lynn Bernstein and the ...
I am an assistant professor in the Tulane University Department of Mathematics. Broadly speaking, my research focuses on geometric, algebraic, and combinatorial ...
Daniel Bernstein from www.arnoldporter.com
Daniel Bernstein represents clients in complex litigation, internal investigations, and government enforcement actions. He also counsels organizations on ...
Daniel Bernstein is a composer for video games and movies. Born in Leningrad in the Soviet Union (now part of Russia), he received a B.S. in computer ...