Mr Otto Pukk, M.Sc. (Business and Economics), born in 1978, has been appointed as the CEO of Incap Group as from today. Otto joined Incap in November 2015 as ...
Otto is an inspiring and authentic leader. I feel that Otto really cares about his team and it is important for him to be there for them.
Photo by Otto Pukk in Lymestone Brewery. Finishing a great week in Incap UK with some team building at Limestone Brewery. #incaprocks.
Otto Pukk was an Estonian politician and lawyer. He was a member of the Estonian National Assembly and III, V and VI Riigikogu.
Otto Richard Pukk (sündinud 7. oktoobril 1978 Stockholmis) on Eesti ettevõtja, alates 2018. aastast Soome börsiettevõtte Incap Corporation Oyj president ja ...
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28 Nov 2023 · Listen in on this insightful conversation with Otto Pukk of Incap, where he explains the strategy behind their global footprint with factories spread across ...
Otto Pukk dari incapcorp.com
12 Des 2023 · Otto Pukk, the head of Incap Corporation and the main man behind the competition, spilled the beans on how it all came to be.
Otto Pukk dari twitter.com
Otto Pukk, the President and CEO of Incap Corporation at the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund.