Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales. Verified email at cse.unsw.edu.au - Homepage
Her research interests include spatial-temporal data analysis, uncertain data analysis and graph data processing.
I am a Professor in the Data and Knowledge Rearch Group, School of Computer Science and Engineering, UNSW. PhD scholarships avaialble with living allowance ...
Wenjie Zhang

Wenjie Zhang

Вэнцзе Чжан – Жаңа Оңтүстік Уэльс университетінің Информатика және инженерия мектебінің профессоры және деректер мен білімді зерттеу тобының жетекшісі. Оның ең көрнекті жетістігі – есептеу күрделі үлкен графиктерді өңдеу үшін оңтайландыру... Wikipedia (ағылшын)
Білімі: UNSW Sydney (2006–2009)
Филиалы: University of New South Wales
Зерттеу саласы: Database, Data Management, Query Processing, көбірек
Dr. Zhang's research interests focus on explainable and trustworthy AI, with a broad scope encompassing big data analytics and multimodal learning. He has ...
Wenjie Zhang. Research Assistant Professor, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Verified email at u.nus.edu - Homepage · Big datamachine ...
Wenjie Zhang is a Professor and Head of the Data and Knowledge Research Group within the School of Computer Science and Engineering, the University of New ...
Professor Wenjie Zhang is a computer scientist specializing in databases, data management and big data analytics. She is currently a Professor in Computer ...
Wenjie Zhang (张文杰) is a Ph.D. student advised by Prof. Lu Zhang and Prof. Yingfei Xiong in Institute of Software, School of Computer Science, ...
Works (50 of 257) · BigSet: An Efficient Set Intersection Approach · Decentralized Privacy Preservation for Critical Connections in Graphs · Discovering and ...