
Georg Stamatelopoulos

Төрсөн огноо: 1970 оны нэгдүгээр сарын 15
Chairman of the Board of Management / Chief Executive Officer of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG. Appointed until 31 May 2029. Since 03/2024.
Fakultät für Maschinenbau mit Vertiefung in Energietechnik. Diplomarbeit über "3D-Simulation der Brennkammer eines braunkohlegefeuerten Kessels".
2024 оны 3-р сарын 8 · On 1 June 2021, Georg Stamatelopoulos was appointed to the EnBW Board of Management as Chief Operating Officer for Sustainable Generation ...
Холбоотой асуултууд
Georg Nikolaus Stamatelopoulos (griechisch Γεώργιος «Γιώργος» Νικόλαος Σταματελόπουλος, * 15. Januar 1970 in Athen) ist ein griechisch-deutscher Ingenieur ...
2024 оны 3-р сарын 11 · At the same time, the Supervisory Board has appointed Georg Stamatelopoulos, currently responsible for Sustainable Generation Infrastructure ...
Georg Stamatelopoulos app.boardroominsiders.com-с
2024 оны 8-р сарын 28 · Dr. Georgios Nikolaus Stamatelopoulos is CEO at Energie Baden-Württemberg, a role he was appointed to in 2024. Previously at the company, ...
2024 оны 3-р сарын 8 · Stamatelopoulos will continue to be responsible for the "Sustainable Generation Infrastructure" division until his successor has been appointed.
Company relations and network for Georgios Nikolaos genannt Georg Stamatelopoulos, Ostfildern, Germany: Centrale Electrique Rhenane de Gambsheim SA, ...
2024 оны 3-р сарын 8 · Stamatelopoulos' responsibilities so far had included overseeing the firm's expansion into wind and solar energy, while simultaneously planning ...
Georg Stamatelopoulos veranstaltungen.handelsblatt.com-с
Dr. Georg-Nikolaus Stamatelopoulos. Dr. Georg-Nikolaus Stamatelopoulos. Speaker 2022. COO Generation and TradingEnBW.