en.wikipedia.org को Oliver Zipse
Oliver Zipse (born 7 February 1964) is a German business executive who has been the chairman of the board of management (CEO) of BMW since 16 August 2019.
ert.eu को Oliver Zipse
Born in Heidelberg, Oliver Zipse is Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, having been appointed in 2019. Since he joined BMW AG in 1991, ...
ओलिवर ज़िप्स

ओलिवर ज़िप्स

Oliver Zipse एक जर्मन व्यापार कार्यकारी हो जो 16 अगस्त 2019 देखि BMW को व्यवस्थापन बोर्ड को अध्यक्ष हुनुहुन्छ। विकिपीडिया (अङ्ग्रेजी)
जन्म मिति: १९६४ फेब्रुअरी ७
www.press.bmwgroup.com को Oliver Zipse
२०२४ मार्च २१ · BMW Group Annual Conference 2024 on 21st March 2024: Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG (03/2024).
de.wikipedia.org को Oliver Zipse
Oliver Zipse (* 7. Februar 1964 in Heidelberg) ist ein deutscher Manager und Vorstandsvorsitzender der BMW AG. Dort war er zuvor für das Ressort Produktion ...
व्यक्तिहरूले यसको पनि खोजी गर्छन्
Prof. Oliver Zipse is a graduate engineer. He studied computer science, mathematics and production management at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City/USA ...
internationalfinance.com को Oliver Zipse
२०२४ मे ३ · 60-year-old Oliver Zipse, a German business executive who has been the chairman of the board of management (CEO) of BMW since 16 August 2019.
www.press.bmwgroup.com को Oliver Zipse
२०२४ मे १५ · As CEO of BMW, I travel the world a lot. Everywhere I go, I see not only how valuable individual mobility is for many people, but how essential ...
www.bmwblog.com को Oliver Zipse
२०२४ अगस्ट ३ · BMW CEO Oliver Zipse issued a stern warning to the European Union about the potential pitfalls of hastily abandoning internal combustion engine (ICE) cars.
२०२४ अगस्ट १ · Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, conference call half-year report to 30 June 2024.