Dennis Mark Bristow is a South African businessman, the president and CEO at Barrick Gold Corporation. He was previously the founder and CEO at Randgold ...
Mark Bristow

Mark Bristow

Południowoafrykański biznesmen
Dennis Mark Bristow jest biznesmenem z Afryki Południowej, prezesem i dyrektorem generalnym Barrick Gold Corporation. Wcześniej był założycielem i dyrektorem generalnym Randgold Resources, który został zakupiony przez Barrick w 2018 roku. Wikipedia (angielski)
Data i miejsce urodzenia: 7 stycznia 1959 65 lat, Estcourt, RPA
Założona organizacja: Randgold Resources
Więcej pytań
Mark was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of Barrick in January 2019. He was previously the chief executive of Randgold Resources, ...
Mark Bristow z www.barrick.com
Mark Bristow. Annual Report 2023. Message from the President and CEO. Mark Bristow. By the start of 2019, we had a clear strategy for building the new Barrick ...
Mark Bristow z www.theglobeandmail.com
13 sie 2024 · South African CEO suggested that he'll stay in the job through 2025 but was non-committal about his intentions beyond that date.
Mark Bristow z www.miningmx.com
15 sie 2024 · Bristow told Miningmx his intention was to stay with Barrick until at least 2028 to oversee delivery of the key major expansions at the Lumwana ...
Mark Bristow z m.miningweekly.com
13 sie 2024 · CEO Mark Bristow said he's cautious about embarking on major deals but is keeping an eye out for opportunities in the company's home country to ...
12 mar 2024 · This month poured its first gold in Papua New Guinea in nearly four years as CEO Mark Bristow marked another turnaround in a career coupling value investing ...
Mark Bristow z www.miningmx.com
He's a geologist holding a doctorate from Natal University and owes his career to practising what he preaches on organic growth through exploration. He got his ...