
Georg Stamatelopoulos

උපන් දිනය: 1970 ජනවාරි 15
Chairman of the Board of Management / Chief Executive Officer of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG. Appointed until 31 May 2029. Since 03/2024.
Fakultät für Maschinenbau mit Vertiefung in Energietechnik. Diplomarbeit über "3D-Simulation der Brennkammer eines braunkohlegefeuerten Kessels".
2024 මාර්තු 8 · On 1 June 2021, Georg Stamatelopoulos was appointed to the EnBW Board of Management as Chief Operating Officer for Sustainable Generation ...
පුද්ගලයන් මේවාද ඉල්ලයි
Georg Nikolaus Stamatelopoulos (griechisch Γεώργιος «Γιώργος» Νικόλαος Σταματελόπουλος, * 15. Januar 1970 in Athen) ist ein griechisch-deutscher Ingenieur ...
2024 මාර්තු 11 · At the same time, the Supervisory Board has appointed Georg Stamatelopoulos, currently responsible for Sustainable Generation Infrastructure ...
app.boardroominsiders.com සිට Georg Stamatelopoulos
2024 අගෝ 28 · Dr. Georgios Nikolaus Stamatelopoulos is CEO at Energie Baden-Württemberg, a role he was appointed to in 2024. Previously at the company, ...
2024 මාර්තු 8 · Stamatelopoulos will continue to be responsible for the "Sustainable Generation Infrastructure" division until his successor has been appointed.
Company relations and network for Georgios Nikolaos genannt Georg Stamatelopoulos, Ostfildern, Germany: Centrale Electrique Rhenane de Gambsheim SA, ...
2024 මාර්තු 8 · Stamatelopoulos' responsibilities so far had included overseeing the firm's expansion into wind and solar energy, while simultaneously planning ...
veranstaltungen.handelsblatt.com සිට Georg Stamatelopoulos
Dr. Georg-Nikolaus Stamatelopoulos. Dr. Georg-Nikolaus Stamatelopoulos. Speaker 2022. COO Generation and TradingEnBW.