Daniel Bernstein z webu en.wikipedia.org
Daniel Julius Bernstein is an American mathematician, cryptologist, and computer scientist. He is a visiting professor at CASA at Ruhr University Bochum, ...
D. J. Bernstein. Mathematics and computer science. Computer hardware: chip speed, buying computers, etc. Data structures and program structures: cdb, etc.
Designing cryptography (deployed now: X25519, Ed25519, ChaCha20, sntrup, Classic McEliece) to proactively reduce risks. Coined phrase "post-quantum" in 2003.
Daniel Bernstein is a composer for video games and movies. Born in Leningrad in the Soviet Union (now part of Russia), he received a B.S. in computer ...
Daniel J. Bernstein. University of Illinois at Chicago and Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Verified email at box.cr.yp.to - Homepage.
I am an assistant professor in the Tulane University Department of Mathematics. Broadly speaking, my research focuses on geometric, algebraic, and combinatorial ...
Daniel Bernstein z webu cs.uic.edu
Research Interests: Computational number theory, computational commutative algebra, cryptography, computer security
Person information · affiliation: University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Computer Science · affiliation: TU Eindhoven, Department of Mathematics and ...
Daniel Bernstein z webu med.stanford.edu
Alfred Woodley Salter and Mabel G. Salter Endowed Professor of Pediatrics · Clinical Focus. Pediatric Heart Transplantation · Academic Appointments. Professor, ...