Možno ste mysleli: Mohamed Salah Marican

Mohamed Salleh Marican

Mohamed Salleh s/o Kadir Mohideen Saibu Maricar, zvyčajne označovaný ako Mohamed Salleh Marican alebo Salleh Marican, je zakladateľom a generálnym riaditeľom Second Chance Properties Ltd, spoločnosti kótovanej na singapurskej burze. Wikipédia (angličtina)
Dátum a miesto narodenia: 15. septembra 1949 (vek 75 rokov), Singapur
Manželka: Sapiyah Abu Bakar (od 1974)
Mohamed Salleh s/o Kadir Mohideen Saibu Maricar (born 15 September 1949), usually referred to as Mohamed Salleh Marican or Salleh Marican, is the Founder ...
Mohamed Salleh Marican z webu www.straitstimes.com
10. 7. 2024 · The founder and chief executive of Second Chance Properties, Mr Mohamed Salleh Marican, and his family proposed on July 10 to privatise the company at 30 cents ...
13. 9. 2024 · THE offerors of Second Chance Properties – chief executive Mohamed Salleh and his family – will be making a compulsory acquisition of all ...
Mohamed Salleh Marican, Community-Driven Oral History Project, Accession Number 004832, Copyright Notice, All rights to the recordings and transcripts on this ...
Second Chance Properties Limited is a wholesaler and retailer of ready-made garments. The Group also retails gold, jewelry and tidbits, and invests in ...
Mohamed Salleh Marican z webu www.straitstimes.com
13. 9. 2024 · The offerors of Second Chance Properties – chief executive Mohamed Salleh Marican and his family – will be making a compulsory acquisition of all the shares of ...