Tadashi Yanai

Tadashi Yanai

Izvršilni direktor – Uniqlo
Tadashi Yanai je japonski poslovnež milijarder ter ustanovitelj in predsednik podjetja Fast Retailing, matičnega podjetja Uniqlo. Oktobra 2021 je bil najbogatejša oseba na Japonskem z ocenjeno neto vrednostjo 26,5 milijarde ameriških dolarjev in... Wikipedia (angleščina)
Datum rojstva: 7. februar 1949 (starost 75 let), Yamaguchi, Japonska
Neto premoženje: 47,4 milijarde USD (2024)
Starši: Hitoshi Yanai
Sorodna vprašanja
Tadashi Yanai z mesta www.forbes.com
Tadashi Yanai built and runs Tokyo-listed retail clothing empire Fast Retailing, parent of the Uniqlo chain. Fast Retailing's other brands include Theory, ...
Tadashi Yanai z mesta www.businessoffashion.com
Tadashi Yanai is the most successful businessman in Japan and the founder and president of Fast Retailing, now the world's fourth-largest apparel company, ...
Tadashi Yanai z mesta www.fastretailing.com
30. nov. 2023 · Chairman and CEO, UNIQLO CO., LTD. ... External Director, Nippon Venture Capital Co., Ltd. Date of Birth: February ...
Yanai is the chairman and biggest shareholder of Fast Retailing, the largest clothing retailer in Asia and parent of Uniqlo. The Tokyo-based group has more than ...
Tadashi Yanai z mesta asiasociety.org
As the president and CEO of Fast Retailing — whose more than 1,900 bright, boxy UNIQLO stores can be found around the world — Yanai has built a retail empire by ...