Alessandro Puliti · Born in Florence on June 23, 1963, and he graduated with honors in Geology at the University of Milan. · He is the author of several papers ...
As Chief Executive Officer of Saipem, I lead an outstanding Italian company recognised worldwide for its engineering expertise at the service of energy and ...
Alessandro Puliti nga www.getcongress.com
1 korr 2024 · Alessandro Puliti has been the Chief Executive Officer of Saipem since August 2022, having joined the company in 2021 as General Manager.
Alessandro Puliti joined Agip spa's Reservoir Department in 1990 as a Reservoir Geologist and was involved in the study of reservoirs in Africa and Italy.
Alessandro Puliti è Amministratore Delegato e Direttore Generale Saipem. Vanta una carriera con esperienze operative internazionali in ambienti complessi.
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