Piyush Gupta

Piyush Gupta

Piyush Gupta BBM - asli hindistonlik singapurlik bankir va jami aktivlari bo'yicha Janubi-Sharqiy Osiyodagi eng yirik bank bo'lgan DBS Group kompaniyasining bosh ijrochi direktori. U Xalqaro moliya instituti raisining oʻrinbosari va Enterprise... Wikipedia (inglizcha)

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Mr. Piyush Gupta has been Chief Executive Officer and Director of DBS Group since… · Experience: DBS Bank · Education: Indian Institute of Management ...
Piyush Gupta – www.dbs.com
Mr. Piyush Gupta is Chief Executive Officer and Director of DBS Group, as well as Director of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and The Islamic Bank of Asia ...
Piyush Gupta – www.euromoney.com
8-avg, 2024 · Piyush Gupta will stand down as group chief executive of DBS Bank when he retires in March, it was announced on Wednesday. He is to be replaced ...
Piyush Gupta – www.channelnewsasia.com
7-avg, 2024 · Mr Gupta was one of the world's top 100 best-performing chief executives in 2019, according to the Harvard Business Review. In 2021, he was ...
Piyush Gupta – asia.nikkei.com
7-avg, 2024 · DBS Group Holdings CEO Piyush Gupta, one of the highest profile bankers in Southeast Asia, will step down next year, the Singaporean lender said Wednesday.
Piyush Gupta – www.smu.edu.sg
Piyush is currently the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Singapore Management University, Vice-Chairman of the Institute of International Finance, ...
Piyush Gupta – www.straitstimes.com
7-avg, 2024 · DBS Bank chief executive Piyush Gupta will retire in 2025 after 15 years at the helm of South-east Asia's largest bank.
Piyush Gupta – www.finews.asia
7-avg, 2024 · Singapore-based DBS has announced a successor to CEO Piyush Gupta, who had previously decided to retire at the age of 65.