
Wee Ee Cheong

Wee Ee Cheong BBM - singapurlik milliarder biznesmen va bankir, 2007 yildan beri United Overseas Bank raisi o'rinbosari va bosh ijrochi direktori. Wikipedia (inglizcha)
Tavallud sanasi: 1953
Tavallud topgan joyi: Colony of Singapore
Bobosi yoki buvisi: Wee Kheng Chiang
Aka/uka va opa/singillar: Ee-chao Wee, Ee Lim Wee, Wee Wei Ling va yana

Shu kabi qidiruvlar
Wee Ee Cheong – www.forbes.com
Wee Ee Chong is deputy chairman and CEO of United Overseas Bank- Singapore's third largest bank by assets; His father, who was chairman emeritus of UOBank, ...
Wee Ee Cheong – www.businesstimes.com.sg
1-avg, 2024 · UOB has its succession plan in place, said UOB's chief executive Wee Ee Cheong, given that everyone – himself included – has to retire at ...
Wee Ee Cheong – www.uobgroup.com
Wee Ee Cheong. Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Michael Lien Jown Leam. Non-Executive and Non-Independent ...